Information on the Complaints Handling Process

As of 4 January 2023

We can only be sustainably successful if you, as our customer, are satisfied with our services and perceive us as a reliable partner. Should you ever have a reason for dissatisfaction, we want to look for solutions together with you. This includes understanding your complaint, rectifying any errors that may have arisen and achieving a fair and mutually acceptable outcome.

What is a complaint?
We treat as a complaint any expression of dissatisfaction made by a client or potential client (complainant) to us in connection with the provision of an investment service. The term "complaint" does not necessarily have to be used. A complaint does not require any particular form.

How to file a complaint?
You can submit your complaint informally to our Compliance Department via one of the following channels.

Via post:
Walter Ludwig GmbH Wertpapierhandelsbank
Compliance Department
An der Hauptwache 5
60313 Frankfurt am Main

Via e-mail:

Via phone:
+49 69 13 38 52 15

Via facsimile:
+49 69 13 38 52 20

What is the complaint procedure?
We do not charge you for a complaint.

Please include your contact details (name, company, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address) and a detailed description of the reason for the complaint with your complaint.

We will endeavour to gather and review all evidence and information relevant to the complaint and aim to resolve the complaint promptly, but within one week at the latest. If this is not possible, we will inform you of the expected processing time and a possible interim status as well as the reasons for the delay.

At the end of the complaint procedure, we will inform you of our position regarding the complaint. A final reply will in principle be given in paper form or on another durable medium, unless you expressly request a verbal reply only.

All complaints and related information will be kept for a period of at least 5 years.

Supervisory authority, alternative dispute resolution
In addition to the possibility of bringing a civil action before the competent court, you can also complain to the supervisory authority responsible for us, the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin), Marie-Curie-Strasse 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, facsimile: +49 228 4108-1550, e-mail: